3 thoughts on “Battistero Lateranense

  1. I hope you haven’t given up on your photographs.. I really enjoyed them because I love Rome and haven’t been able to travel there for awhile. You capture the atmosphere so very well!

  2. One oft the great mysteries of Rome ends here, in the Lateran: the mystery oft the jewish ark of the covenant !
    On the arch of Titus, that shows the spoils from the fall of Jerusalem, the ark is not showed, but one could argue, that the relief is damaged and could be faked to hide something. Nevertheless there are ancient reports, that say that the ark was shown in Rome in the Templum Pacis near by at todays Via dei Fori Imperiali. And since around 1200 there was a tradition that the Lateran, hidden under an altar housed the ark. A tradition that was officially ended around 1750, when the Pope made an investigation… But one should remember: the highpriest of Rome (pontifex maximus), the emperor was under control of all the spoils of war. And so was Constantine, that invested the new christian pontifex maximus, the highpriest of Rome… Was not the Lateran built under Constantine…?! Let´s ask Indiana Jones…

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